lookup verb | залететь | (perfective) |
imperfective of залететь (perfective) | залетать | (perfective) |
base of залететь (perfective) | лететь | (imperfective) |
base of залетать (perfective) | летать | (imperfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | взлететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | улететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | слететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | пролететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | прилететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | полететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | подлететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | перелететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | отлететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | облететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | налететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | излететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | вылететь | (perfective) |
derivation of лететь (imperfective) | влететь | (perfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | влетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | пролетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | прилетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | подлетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | перелетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | вылетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | слетать | (perfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | полетать | (perfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | отлетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | облетать | (perfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | налетать | (perfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | излетать | (imperfective) |
derivation of летать (imperfective) | улетать | (imperfective) |
imperfective of взлететь (perfective) | взлетать | (imperfective) |
imperfective of слететь (perfective) | слетать | (imperfective) |
imperfective of облететь (perfective) | облетать | (imperfective) |
imperfective of налететь (perfective) | налетать | (imperfective) |
imperfective of облетать (perfective) | облетывать | (imperfective) |
imperfective of налетать (perfective) | налетывать | (imperfective)